Session with Fiverr Pro Seller Brandon Johnson – Top Questions Answers Revealed

Shahzaib Ul Hassan has conducted this event live for the Pakistani Audience to get an idea about the Freelancing, I hope this Fiverr related Info would be worth Reading.
As the session started Brandon introduced himself as a scriptwriter and author residing in Chicago. He has been working as an author and scriptwriter for 10 years while he has been working on Fiverr for 5 years. He was among the earliest Fiverr pro sellers. He further said that freelancing has grown very much in the last few years. He said that whenever he gets to meet people and talk in events like that, he always comes up with an idea that this is the right time to get involved in Freelancing. As he started to work on Fiverr, he was initially working for commercial videos and advertisements. He followed the sentiment that if you love something, you do it for free, and to get paid for that is incredible. He followed the same sentiment and put 1000% into every order and everything just got
better and better.

Session with Brandson Johnson by Shahzaib Ul Hassan
After that brief introduction, he proceeded to the question and answers section.

We have asked many questions Here are some Top questions & His Answer.

The first question was to suggest some important tips to the beginners for freelancing, and to that question?

Brandon answered that there are two main points to consider in freelancing i.e., communication and high-quality work. Communication empowers you to earn more and gain more clients. It seems a simple thing but it is a defining factor that whether your project will succeed or not.
He gave an example and compared two sellers for their level of communication and proved that the seller who communicates effectively will win the job instead of the one who even has done a lot of projects but does not communicate well.

For the newbies, he suggested to select a niche and think about how long does it take to complete the project and price accordingly.

He also suggested a free course that Fiverr offers and teaches how to get started and build up your profile.

Another suggestion he put forward was to observe other successful freelancers. Put your original picture in your profile photo and your gig photo. He also described the idea of creating an engaging gig photo.

He concluded that answer as, for the beginners, it is necessary to communicate effectively, ask for your gig requirements, search engine optimization while writing gig description and tags, using your face in photos, use your original name as your username, and state your services to your gig photo.

The second question was what are the requirements of becoming a pro seller?

To this question, Brandon answered that Fiverr pro is someone hand-picked. Fiverr picks up those sellers who show professionalism and what serves to professionalism is your ability to do high-quality work and to manage your work effectively along with finding your clients/buyers yourself and to show off that you can manage an ecosystem outside of Fiverr as well.

Next question was to share some tips to rank the gig?

Brandon answered this question by saying that search engine optimization is a key tool to rank the gigs. See the top search results and search tags that successful sellers are using. Moreover, use the words that derive search engine optimization in the description. If you improve your response rate, communicate effectively, and deliver and over-deliver, all of those things are going to rank your gig.

 How to convince a buyer to place an order through buyer request?

Brandon replied to this question that again effective communication is the key tool, the quick response feature is your best friend. Send a questionnaire about what do you want from a buyer. First of all, as the buyer approaches you, send them an immediate response and then soon ask them what they want, or list your requirements for the job. use the name of the client while communicating. Don’t be afraid to charge what your project worth.

How can we promote our gig outside Fiverr?

Brandon said that Fiverr anywhere is a tool you can use to promote your gig. In Fiverr anywhere, anyone can see your gig even outside Fiverr and can click and directly go to your gig page. The very next question was what are the most common mistakes people make while creating gigs or approaching to their buyers. Brandon suggested that don’t be afraid to charge more, be specific to what you are offering, simply communicate well, and don’t be afraid to look or feel rigid.

To another question, Brandon suggested some tips to become a content writer or story writer.

As a writer, your job is to present a piece of engaging information and engage the readers emotionally.

Are unlimited revisions a good strategy to get more orders?

For this question, Brandon replied it does not seem to be a strategy, instead, it comes down to individual level what they are selling or trying to come up with a specific job. However, scale your prices accordingly.

The last question was if someone has more than one skill, shall he/she sell all or only the single he is really good at?

Brandon suggested offering both so that you can reach out to more and more clients.

In the end, the session finally ended with thank you notes.

Written by: Rimsha Umar

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