Every newbie wants to know the answer to this Question ” How to add website URL to google ” and Make your website visible on Google Search Engine Rankings. Well, a lot of people confused about it. A lot of people don’t even know this step and they start complaining that their website is not showing on Google Search Engine.

how-to-add-website-url-to-googleIf you have also the same question in your mind then I have an easy and simple solution to make your website visible on Google.

There is two main Search Engine.

Table of Contents

How to Add Website Url to Google

First of all, you need to login on your Gmail account. (If you don’t have Gmail account create one for yourself).

Now Go to Google Search Engine Console and Sign in (if you don’t have an account Click on Signup ).

You will see a Screen Below. It will ask you to add a property.



Don’t be panic this property means your website. (So you could tell Google Hey it’s my Property 🙂 Click on Add Property.

Click on Add Property.



Now you have to enter a name of your website.

Remember write website name starting with http://abc.com and also verify Website both version of www and without www. (The point is to write Http in an address to clear confusion as a lot of newbies confuse here about with Http and without Http, because the address remains same. )

Here is example if you want to add property of your domain 

http://www.abc.com (You should Replace ABC with your web name)

How to Verify Website Ownership on Google

First as mentioned above you have to enter one version of a website into add property bar and click on add.

When you will click on add, it will ask for a verification process.




There are a lot of methods to verify ownership of the website.

Methods to Verify Ownership of Website on Google.

Well, the Easiest one is through Plugin (Yoast SEO).

Let’s check all step by step.

Verify Ownership of Website by Cpanel

Verify Ownership on Google

Here what you need to do is just Download this HTML file the link is given.

Now Open your Hosting Cpanel.

After Login you need to find File manager in Cpanel. (as shown in pic below).

Click on File Manager.



There you will see Public HTML click here. (Remember open the Public HTML of your domain which you want to verify. Just in case of more than 2 websites on same domain first, go to your domain name folder. Open it and then Upload the File)


and now click on upload button showing on above bar.


select this downloaded file and upload it. After uploading go to Search Engine Console and click on Verify. That’s it.

Alternative Methods to Verify Website Ownership (Easiest Methods)

If this method looks difficult to do, click on Alternative method as you can see also on a picture Below.

Alternative Methods to Verify Website Ownership 2024

After clicking on Alternative you will see a pic below.

Website Ownership Verification alternative methods



When you click on an Alternative method you will see these Alternative methods.

Verify Through Domain Name Providers

The easiest one is the Domain name provider.

click on domain name provider.

Website Ownership Verification alternative methods Domain Name Providers

After that just you have to select your Hosting from the list.

Domain name providers List

Click on your own Hosting provider name, After that it will ask you to log in here to complete it automatically to verify your domain.

Can’t you See your Hosting Provider in this list?

Don’t worry There is another easiest method to verify (i always prefer this one ). Read Below

Verify Property of your website through Yoast SEO Plugin

After Pasting this code. Go to Search Engine Console Webmaster tool, and click on Verify. it will be verified so don’t forget to verify both versions.
Both Version like with www and without www.

If you have registered with WWW address now click on Add property and verify the ownership of without WWW in the address.

Why do we need to Add Both versions of Domain?

A lot of people Ask question why we need to add both versions of the domain like with WWW and without WWW.

The answers are if you will just add one format, sometimes google mistakenly take other version domain as two different domains. which cause a duplicate content problem. so to solve this issue we have to add both properties.

Add Robots.txt on Google Search Engine console

Robots.txt is used to tell a Search engine that don’t crawl these things. so there are some links which you don’t wanna show to google so that’s why we create robots file.

There are Two methods to Add Robots File

  1. Add from Plugin.
  2. Add from Cpanel.

Add Robots.txt from Plugin

First, let’s check out How to add Robots from Plugin.

Well, it’s the easiest way to add from a Plugin. What you need to do is just Install a Plugin name ” Virtual Robots.txt”


Add Robots.txt from Plugin

After installing click on Activate and it will create an automatically robots.txt file for you.

You can check this at webname.com/robots.txt

Add Robots.txt from Cpanel


Click on File Manager.


Now click on Publish HTML

and then click on upload and select the Robot.txt file.


So robot file will be uploaded successfully if you want to check that it’s uploaded successfully. check by typing yourwebname.com/robots.txt on URL bar and press enters if it shows coding than it means the file has been uploaded successfully.

Test The Uploaded Robot.txt

Now Go to Search engine console and click on Crawl and than Robots.txt Tester.


Now as shown in the pic above type robots.txt on an empty box and click on Test after that click on Submit.


Now submit on 3rd option.

How to Create Sitemap for Google and Submit on Google Search Engine Console.

There are many methods to create a sitemap, today I will tell you easiest method.

You can Install Sitemap from 2 famous Plugins.

  1. Google XML Sitemaps Plugin
  2. Yoast SEO plugin

Google XML Sitemaps Plugin

You can also install Plugin Name “Google XML Sitemaps” to create Sitemaps. It will create an Automatic sitemap. So it’s easy for you to just by installing a Plugin.

How to create Google XML sitemap


Yoast SEO Plugin

First, you need to install Yoast Plugin on WordPress as I told you the method to install Google XML sitemap. Applying the same method .
Dashboard >> Plugin>>Add New>> Type name of Plugin>> Install.Go to your  Website dashboard and click on Yoast Plugin and click on XML sitemap.

After that Go to your  Website dashboard and click on Yoast Plugin and click on XML sitemap. (as shown in pic below).


Now after clicking on XML Sitemap, you will see pic below


click on Enable.


Now click on XML Sitemap and you will see your sitemap. (as shown in pic below )


Remember to copy the address of this sitemap as I have highlighted in the red area on above pic, whatever the address is just copied it because you have to insert this code on Google Search Engine Console.

Setting Up Search Engine Console

Go to your Search Engine console Click on Message and open message of improving search engine presence.



Now Only Last Step Left as you have to Fetch and Render.

Web Master tool Fetch as Google

Click on Fetch as Google on Crawl Tab.


Now click on Fetch and Render


Now, wait til the status is pending.


After 1 or 2 minutes there will be an option of Submit to index, you need to click here.


Select I am not a robot and Crawl this URL and its direct link.

If you update the website daily than Yoast plugin automatically submits it to the Search Engine Console webmaster tool. It’s better to submit manually after each post. Mostly select option crawl only this URL. if you have just created new website after doing it share your posts as much as you can on social media, ask your friends to visit your post, it will make Google index your website quickly.

check your website is indexed by Google or not

Type on Google site: name of your web.

suppose my website is www.abc.com than to check on google I will search like that site:abc.com

and click on search it will show all the results of a website.  if it doesn’t show anything on search Engine it means your website is not registered yet.

If you have done all these things congrats you have completed Basic SEO of your website. Proper SEO can Boost your website Rankings.




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